Concise Minutes - Public Accounts Committee

Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 3 - Senedd

Meeting date: Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Meeting time: 09.02 - 11.03
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:




Assembly Members:

Darren Millar AM (Chair)

Mohammad Asghar (Oscar) AM

Jocelyn Davies AM

Mike Hedges AM

Sandy Mewies AM

Julie Morgan AM

Jenny Rathbone AM

Aled Roberts AM



Committee Staff:

Meriel Singleton (Second Clerk)

Joanest Varney-Jackson (Legal Adviser)

Gemma Gifford (Deputy Clerk)

Matthew Mortlock (Wales Audit Office)

Huw Vaughan Thomas (Auditor General for Wales)




View the meeting transcript.



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

1.1        The Chair welcomed the Members to the meeting.

1.2        There were no apologies.



2       Papers to note

2.1 The papers were noted.



2.1   Cardiff Airport: Additional information from Simon Jones, Chair of Holdco (19 February 2016)



2.2   Cardiff Airport: Welsh Government Response to the Auditor General's Report (22 February 2016)



2.3   Cardiff Airport: Letter from the Football Association of Wales (24 February 2016)



2.4   Cardiff Airport: Additional information from Chris Cain, Northpoint Aviation (23 February 2016)



2.5   Cardiff Airport: Letter from the Welsh Rugby Union (24 February 2016)



2.6   Cardiff Airport: Letter from James Price, Welsh Government (24 February 2016)



3       Scrutiny of Accounts 2014-15: Consideration of responses to the Committees Report

3.1 Members considered and noted the response received from the organisations with regard to the recommendations directed to them in the Committee’s report which was published in December 2015.

3.2 The Committee agreed to:

·         Write to the Welsh Government seeking a view on the issues relating to the National Library for Wales’ insurance arrangements, the National Museum Wales’ approach to charging for events and views on both organisations severance arrangements.

·         Seek clarification from the Assembly Commission on what action and how the Commission is planning to make material published on its website more accessible particularly to people with specific requirements.

·         Include a recommendation in its Legacy Report, that the successor Committee scrutinises the Welsh Government on its Consolidated Accounts for 2015-16 in autumn 2016 and specifically considers whether the presentation of the accounts has improved and includes a link to the Welsh Government’s Annual Grants Management Report. It was also suggested that the successor Committee may also wish to probe more widely the Welsh Government’s approach to reducing energy consumption.

·         Include a recommendation in its Legacy Report, that the successor Committee scrutinises the accounts of Natural Resources Wales in autumn 2016.



4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:

4.1 The motion was agreed.



5       Consideration of the draft revised memorandum of understanding relating to the BBC Charter Review

5.1 Members noted and welcomed the draft revised Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) relating to the BBC Charter Review.

5.2 It was agreed that the Chair would write to the Welsh Government thanking them for inviting the Committee to consider the MoU and also advising that the Committee’s Legacy Report will include a recommendation that its successor Committee considers including the BBC’s accounts as part of its annual account scrutiny work.



6       Wales Life Science Investment Fund: Briefing from the Auditor General for Wales

6.1 Members received a briefing from the Auditor General for Wales on his report, Establishment and Oversight of the Wales Life Science Investment Fund, which was published on 26 February.
